Hao Y. Zhang's Personal Homepage

Current Academic Position

2023.10- Postdoctoral Fellow, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo


2018.9 - 2023.6 Ph.D., Department of Physics of Astromics, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania

Dissertation Title: Generalized Symmetries in Supergravities and Superconformal Field Theories via String Theory

Advisor: Mirjam Cvetič, Co-Advisor: Jonathan J. Heckman

2014.9 - 2018.7 B.S. in Physics, School of Physics, Peking University

Relevant Links

张昊(Hao Y. Zhang)的个人主页


2023.10- 东京大学 科维里数物连携宇宙学研究所 博士后研究员 (postdoctoral fellow)


2018.9 - 2023.6 宾夕法尼亚大学 文理学院 物理与天文学系 博士

导师: Mirjam Cvetič, 共同导师: Jonathan J. Heckman

2014.9 - 2018.7 北京大学 物理学院 本科
